RPSC referees are a key piece of the RPSC soccer program. By providing well-educated referees RPSC is able to deliver quality supervision for soccer matches. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions please contact referee@rpsoccerclub.org.
New Referee Courses are all done online via US Soccer;
Observing seasoned and experienced referees in action, on the field on game day;
Review appropriate soccer websites including but not limited to the websites listed below:
For information on certification or recertification, check out referee class.
To stay current on the Laws of the Game, check out
Minimum age is 13 years old
Must be at least two years older than the age group being referred
Referee equipment (minimum of three, differently colored referee jerseys, black, knee-length socks, above-the-knee black shorts, black athletic shoes, stopwatch, and whistle) which may include flags if AR’ing
Mission Statement:
Aid in the development of the players, coaches and the sport of soccer
Aid in the development of referees
Referee Commitment:
RPSC referee program is recognized by players, coaches and administrators as a program which consistently provides excellence in officiating.
To accomplish this, I as an RPSC referee, am committed to:
Officiating matches in a fair and safe manner
Maintain my physical fitness for peak performance
Supporting my fellow officials with loyalty. pride and dignity
Conducting myself in a way to be ethically and morally beyond reproach
Granting players and coaches dignity and self-respect
Remaining committed to continued learning and improvement processes that enable me to perform to my full potential
Fully understand RPSC league rules
Referees Standards of Conduct Policy:
Refereeing for RPSC is a privilege offered and granted to individuals who perform as an RPSC referee during RPSC sanctioned activities. It carries within an obligation for each individual member to uphold and promote the stated goals and objectives of RPSC. Any conduct which could be considered unethical or as the conflict of interest will because for that individual to not be eligible to referee for RPSC.
Referee Code of Ethics:
I will always maintain the utmost respect for the game of soccer
I will conduct myself honorably at all times and maintain the dignity of my position
I will always honor an assignment or any contractual obligation
I will review appropriate websites so as to keep current with The Laws of the Game, their proper interpretation, and their application
I will be loyal to my fellow officials and never knowingly promote criticism of them
I will be in a good physical condition
I will control the players effectively by being courteous and considerate
I will do the utmost to assist my fellow officials to better themselves and their work
I will not make statements about any games except to clarify an interpretation of the laws of the game
I will not discriminate against nor take undue advantage of any individual group on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin
I consider it a privilege to be part of RPSC referee program and my actions will reflect credit upon that organization and its affiliates
Referee Assault Policy:
Any player, coach, manager, club official or league official who commits an intentional act of physical violence at or upon a referee shall be suspended immediately and will be subject to a PAD committee review. The assault suspension shall commence with the first match after which the individual has been found to committed this act.
Referee assault shall include, but is not limited to: striking, kicking, choking, grabbing or bodily running into a referee, spitting in a referee with ostensible intent to do; kicking or throwing an object at an official that could inflict injury; or damaging the referee’s uniform, equipment or personal property ( e.g., car, uniform or equipment)
Referee Abuse Policy:
Any player, coach, manager, club official or league official who threatens through a physical act or verbal statement, either explicit or implicit shall be suspended immediately and will be subject to a PAD committee review. The abuse suspension shall commence with the first match after which the individual has been found to have committed this act.
Referee abuse shall include but is not limited to verbal and non-verbal communication which contains foul or abusive language and which implies or directly threatens physical harm, spewing a beverage on or spitting at referee or referee’s personal property
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